The Domain Name Free-For-All
- List of Internet Top-Level Domains (excerpted from RFC 1394). Provides domain-to-country translation.
- Network Information Centers: RIPE (Europe),
DE-NIC (Germany),
APNIC (Asia-Pacific Region),
InterNIC (America and rest-of-world).
- Whois does domain-name lookups on the
Use this to find out who "owns" a domain name, and who the (human) contacts for it are.
- InterNIC's Domain Name Dispute Policy.
- Moving (transferring) a domain name from one provider/site/owner to
another: see the InterNIC instructions.
- ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
- Domain Store will register a domain for a $50 fee. There are many other outfits like this, since the cost of the service performed is essentially zero.
World Wide Web
Where to Park It? Finding Webspace
Server Hacking
Web Graphics, Photoshop, Etc.
Pointers to Tools
Visual BASIC
It's not just for breakfast anymore!
- VBxtras catalog of ActiveX (etc.) add-ons.
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
H. Spencer